Daniel Reisinger
Criticality and Computation: Understanding sudden state transitions in complex networked systems
Daniel Reisinger finished his doctoral studies on critical transitions in complex networked systems at the Department of Environmental Systems Sciences . A critical transition describes a phenomenon where a system abruptly shifts from one stable state to another, often resulting in undesirable outcomes that are difficult to reverse. Understanding the factors that drive and shape a critical transition is thus highly important for timely intervention. In this context, he focused on understanding how the underlying network structure of a system influences its transition behavior, and whether insights can be leveraged to better anticipate and potentially prevent a detrimental transition.

| Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften https://notblue.red |
| Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften http://systems-sciences.uni-graz.at/fuell/ |
| Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften jaeger-ge.org |