Bettina Zeidler
Auditory perception of children with autism-spectrum-disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the most common developmental disorders in childhood. Core characteristics include abnormalities in speech development and social interaction, which give particular significance to auditory perception. Previous studies indicate improved pitch perception, a higher prevalence of absolute pitch, as well as deficits in auditory time perception and prosodic features of language. Interestingly, individuals with autism exhibit fewer deficits in the perception of vocal stimuli when these are embedded in a musical context. Additionally, earlier research has shown positive effects of music and auditory therapy, particularly on the language abilities of individuals with autism. The aims of my doctoral project are to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the musical and tonal aspects of auditory perception in individuals with autism and, based on these findings, to develop new therapeutic approaches. To this end, various psychoacoustic tests, audiometric assessments of air and bone conduction, a sound discrimination task, and questionnaires on hyperacusis and the severity of autistic symptoms will be performed.
Bettina Zeidler M.A. | Institut für Psychologie |
| Zentrum für Systematische Musikwissenschaft |
| +43 316 380 - 8160 Institut für Psychologie Do 9:00 - 11:00 |